We are called to be exceedingly generous with our love and our lives as Jesus was with his.

An Invitation

November 2023

Incarnation Family,

The Bible shares story after story of God’s abiding love for the world. The ultimate example of God’s love is Jesus, whose life is the perfect example of how to love one another and whose death on the cross is the ultimate sacrificial love.

In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells the disciples – and us – that “we received without payment” and we are invited to “give without payment.” Jesus says, “As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons” (Matthew 10:8).

God’s love is a gift, and we owe nothing in return. We are called, though, to be exceedingly generous with our love and our lives as Jesus was with his. We are called to ‘give without payment.’ We give love with our words, through our actions, and from our resources.

As we prepare individually and as a congregation to proclaim the good news in the coming year, Incarnation is committed to deeper love and further action within the church and in the community. This year and 2024 have and will be a challenge for us.  Our resources, though, are yours and are dependent on your generosity.

Our Annual Ingathering will be held on Sunday, November 19th; please consider providing your commitment by then or at your earliest convenience.  The Vestry will be reviewing the budget by mid-December and your communication to us will help as critical decisions will be made.

Will you deepen your financial commitment to Incarnation in your 2024 pledge and giving? We are a part of the story of God’s abiding love for the world.

Let us proclaim the good news!

Incarnation’s Stewardship Committee
Patricia Cragg, Tom Corteville, Evan Hart , and Lyn Omphroy

A reality check.

We have so much to celebrate, and reason to continue life together as a church family! From new programs like Evensong and the concert series to the opportunity to gather for major life events at baptisms and funerals throughout the year as well as each Sunday for Eucharist, connection and celebration are critical to the life of the church.

Like many churches, though, Incarnation is struggling to balance our budget. For the last several years, we have critically drawn down savings. In 2023, we received grant funding from the Diocese to make ends meet, but that funding is not available at the same level in 2024. We need you now, more than ever, to give generously.

  • Is this true for you? We understand why some individuals or households might choose to give without pledging, but we hope you’ll consider otherwise. Pledges assist church leadership with planning, help to solidify the budget, and free up time and energy for mission and ministry in the community.

  • After prayerfully considering your time, talent, and money resources in a spirit of abundance, return the pledge card to the address below. You can also send the information from the pledge card in an email to Lyn Omphroy, Incarnation treasurer.

    Pledges can be paid by check, in the offering plate, or online throughout the year.

  • Determining the amount of your annual pledge is between you and God. However, as you make this important decision, spending time to reflect on how God has blessed your life.

    Below, you’ll find a Guideline to Monthly Proportional Giving you might find helpful.

  • Incarnation supports proportional giving, with the goal of tithing (10%). If you are not pledging 10%, pledge a lower percentage and consider increasing your pledge each year. We ask that you prayerfully consider what level of giving is right for you and your family. A tithe may sound like an unattainable goal to begin with, but if you start with a certain proportion of your income and increase the percentage each year, you will be tithing in a short time! You could start with 5%, a half tithe. If you already give proportionally, we invite you to consider what it might mean for you to increase the percentage by 3% in the coming year, growing toward a tithe.

  • Parishioners raise and lower their pledge all the time. A pledge is an estimate to help church budgeting; it is not a legal or moral obligation. Please don’t let your uncertainty prevent you from making a pledge. If you have financial difficulties or other unexpected events, simply notify the bookkeeper in the church office (preferably by email or in writing).

  • Where you start or whether you tithe on your annual or gross income is not nearly as important as simply making your first pledge. Every pledge makes a difference, regardless of the amount.