The foundation of our faith is worship.

Worship @ Incarnation

  • Incarnation Sanctuary


    When we come together to worship we come to offer praise to God. Through our words, songs, actions, senses, and whole bodies we praise the One who created us, redeemed us and sustains us.

  • Communion

    The principle form of worship is the Holy Eucharist (also called Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or Mass). Through this shared meal we build deeper communion with God and each other. Sharing a meal together and remembering Christ’s sacrificial offering of himself as our sustenance.

  • Transformation

    When we worship together we expect to be changed. We expect that we will encounter the living God and that we will not be able to leave the same as we arrived. Each time we worship together we pray that our hearts may be broken open so that God’s love and mercy can pour through us into the world.