Membership and Values Survey

Many of you will remember that I spoke at some length about Incarnation’s mission in my sermons during Lent. I hope that you have been thinking and praying about what the next chapter in Incarnation’s life together might look like or focus on. Below is a link to a survey that the Vestry and I would love to get your feedback on to help us better articulate a post-covid mission and vision for Incarnation.

The survey has open-ended questions in the hopes that you’ll feel free to share as much as is on your heart about each topic. You might notice that there isn’t a “What should the mission and vision of Incarnation be?” question. The questions are designed to allow folks to share some of the best things they have experienced or participated in at Incarnation. I believe that learning about these favorite memories will help us get to the heart of what makes Incarnation great. My experience in other ministry settings tells me that asking folks what the mission should be tends to get people to try to give the “right” answer to the mission of the church. There is no “right” answer, there is Incarnation’s passions and love, interests the talents, and the world’s needs. We’ll find our mission when we find where all these things intersect.

Please use this link to access the complete the Membership and Values Survey


Welcome Janet Harris!